This is an advanced course in Sampling Techniques that aims at describing some advanced level topics for students who wish to pursue research in Sampling Techniques. This course prepares students for undertaking research in this area. This also helps prepare students for applications of this important subject to Statistical System in the country.
P.P.S. Schemes of sampling due to Midzuno-Sen, Brewer, Durbin and JNKRao (sample size of 2 only), Rao-Hartley and Cochran sampling scheme and their estimation procedure.
Quenouille’s technique of bias reduction and its application to ratio type estimator, Hartley and Ross unbiased ratio type estimator. Ratio method of estimator under Midzuno scheme of sampling when X is known.
Multivariate extension of ratio and regression method of estimator (when population mean of auxiliary variable is known).
Variance estimation in complex surveys. Taylor’s series linearization,balanced repeated replication, Jackknife and bootstrap methods.
Non Sampling Errors: Hansen-Hurwitz approach of estimations from incomplete sample. Politz and Simmon’s techniques of estimation, randomized response model due to Warner. Simmons unrelated question randomized response model.
Books Recommended/Reference Books
1. Cocharan,W.G.(1997): Sampling Techniques III ed, John Wiley Pub. New Yark.
2. Des Raj and Chandok (1998): Sampling Theory , Norsa Pub. New Delhi.
3. Murthy , M.N. (1962) : Sampling Theory and Methods, Statistical Pub.Society, Kolkata .
4. Chaudhary, A and. Mukherjee R (1988): Randomised Response: Theory & Techniques, Marcel Dekker Inc New Yark.
5. Shukhatme, al(1984): Sampling Theory of Surveys in the Applications, Iawa State press & Ind.Soc. of Agri. Stat.
6. Mukhopadhya, P.(1996): Inferencial Problems in Survey Sampling, New Age Intenational.
7. Singh, D. & Choudhary,F.S.(1986): Theory and Analysis of Sample Surveys and its
Applications, New Age international Publication.