This paper is focused on the study of vital statistics, index numbers, demand analysis and time series. Vital Statistic deals with laws of human mortality, morbidity and fertility. Role of index number is in formulation of executive decisions. In time series analysis, we will study about different components and various methods useful in the analyzing them.
Students will be able to:
Course |
Learning outcomes (at course level |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies
Paper Code |
Paper Title |
STT-402 |
Applied Statistics |
CO 49: Identify appropriate sources of data, perform basic demographic analyses using various techniques and ensure their comparability across populations.
CO 50: Utilizing information based on the population, including censuses, vital statistics and surveys, and would be able to access and use such data.
CO 51: Students will have an idea of income distributions and able to fit them in real life situations.
CO 52: Interpret and use a range of index numbers commonly used and also to Evaluate other indices used in the business sector.
CO 53: Apply time series methods for forecasting values of a time series at future time points and also apply them on real world models. |
Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Group Discussion, Classroom Assignment Problem Solving Sessions
Learning activities for the students: Assignments Seminar Presentation Subject based Activities
Classroom Quiz Assignments Class Test Individual Presentation |
Meaning, definition and utility. Sources of demographic data- census, registration. Indices of mortality. Measurement of mortality, crude death rate and standardization death rates. Indices of fertility, Measurement of fertility – crude birth rate, general fertility rate. Age- specific fertility rate, total fertility rate. Gross and Net Reproduction Rates.
Stationary and stable population, concept and determination of the rate of increase in a stable population.
Life table: Construction of complete life table from graduated rates of mortality and evaluation of probabilities of survival and death from a life table.
Demand and supply, law of demand and supply. Elasticity of demand: Price, Income and Cross elasticity. Engel’s curve and Engel’s law, Pareto’s law of income distribution
Meaning and uses of index numbers, problem in the construction of index numbers, price relatives, quantity and value relatives. Fixed base and chain base index numbers, use of averages. Weighted and unweighted index numbers- Laspeyers, Paasche’s, Marshall-Edgeworth and Fisher’s ideal index numbers, Dorbish, Kelly’s fixed base index numbers. Test for index numbers. Base shifting, splicing and deflating. Consumer Price Index numbers, Construction of cost of living index and Whole-sale price index.
Definition and its different components, additive and multiplicative models. Different methods of determining trend and seasonal fluctuations, their merits and demerits