Paper is designed to acquaint the students with elementary mathematics and various computational techniques which are basic to introduce probability, and the application of computers in statistics.
Polynomials, exponential, logarithmic and Binomial functions and their expansions, Basic ideas of Permutations and Combinations (simple problems). Matrices: Types, Addition, Subtraction, Product and Inverse of Matrices. Determinants of order 3* 3 and problem based on its properties.
Differential Calculus- Functional relationship between two variables. Introduction to limits, continuity and differentiability. Standard results for differential coefficients of xn , ex, log x etc ( without proof). Rules for differentiation of sum, difference, product and Quotient and function of a function (without proof). Maxima and minima of functions of one and two variable.
Definition and meaning of Integration. Integration as inverse of differentiation. Indefinite integral, Integration of simple function, Integration by substitution, integration by parts. Definite Integral and its properties. Beta and Gamma integral and their properties.
Basic structures of c programs, sample c program, programming style, exe.a c program, data types, constants and variables, operators and expression, managing input and output operators.
IF, IF ELSE, NESTED IF ELSE, IF ELSE ladder, SWITCH statement, ?: operator, GOTO statement, Decision making and looping: WHILE statement; DO statement, FOR statement, jumps in loops, Arrays: Introduction to arrays, single dimensional array and two dimensional arrays
1. Sharma, G.C. and Jain, Madhu (2001) :Essential Mathematics , Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd, 2001
2. Text Books of Mathematics prescribed by NCERT for class XI and XII.
3. Kanetkar, Yashwant: Let Us C, BPB Publication.
4. Balaguruswami, E.: ‘ANSI C’, Tata McGraw Hill Publication.
1. Deitel and Deitel: How to Programme C, Pearson’s Edition
2. Shubhilall: Structured Programming and computer graphics, University book house pvt