The students would be exposed to concepts of Design of Experiments so as to enable them to understand the concepts involved in planning, designing their experiments and analysis of experimental data.
Principles of design of experiments, uniformity trails, need of design of experiments, complete analysis of completely randomized design, randomized block design.
complete analysis of least square design. Analysis of covariance. Missing plot technique in RBD, and LSD, efficiency of LSD, RBD and LSD
Factorial Experiment 2n and 32 , Confounding: Total and partial confounding. Construction of confounded factorial experiments belonging to 2n
Analysis of non orthogonal data, analysis of missing plot and mixed plot data. Split plot and strip plot designs. Balanced incomplete block design (intra - block analysis).
Construction of complete sets of mols. Construction of BIBD using mols. Simple methods of construction of BIBD designs. Constructions of symmetrical fractional factorial experiments.
Books Recommended/Reference Books
1. Cochran, W.G. & Cox, G.M. (1957): Experimental Designs, 2nd Ed. John Wiley.
2. Dean, A.M. & Voss, D. (1999): Design and Analysis of Experiments, Springer.
3. Federer, WT. (1985): Experimental Designs, MacMillan.
4. Fisher, R.A. (1953): Design and Analysis of Experiments, Oliver & Boyd.
5. Nigam, A.K. & Gupta, V.K. (1979): Handbook on Analysis of Agricultural
Experiments, IASRI Publ.
6. Alok dey (1986): Theory of Block Design,Violester Willey Eastern
7. Alok Dey (1999): Fraction Fractorial Plans, John Wiley & sons
8. Das, M. N. and Giri C. (1987): Design and Analysis of Variance, John Wiley & sons Inc.
9. John P.W.M. (1999): Statistical Design and Analysis of Variance, society for industrial mathematics
10. Joshi, D.D. (1988): Linear Estimation and Design of Experiments, John Wiley & sons