
Paper Code: 
STT 424
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This paper is designed so that the student get familiar with statistical software for solving the statistical problems based on Statistical quality control, time series data and index number.


Students will able to


Learning outcomes (at course level

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies


Paper Code

Paper Title



CO 134: Calculate variable and attribute control charts and judges the process quality and approach being used in industry to manufacture goods and services of high quality at low cost.


CO 135: Calculate probabilities associated to single and double sampling plans, including AQL, LQL, consumer’s and producer’s risks, OC, ASN.


CO 136: Give judgment of quality issues of process and product and to rectify them using control charts and acceptance sampling plans.

CO 137: Construct simple and weighted price, quantity, and value indexes and interpret them to identify trends in a data set and the consumer price index to determine the purchasing power of the money

CO 138: To shift the base to make two series comparable and splice an old series with a new series of index numbers.


CO 139: To apply ideas to real time series data and interpret outcomes of analyses and also estimate models for time-series data.

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures,

Group Discussion,

Classroom Assignment

Problem Solving Sessions


Learning activities for the students:




Subject based  Activities


Classroom Quiz


Class Test

Individual Presentation




  1. Practical based on paper STT-421
  2. Practical Based on opted paper STT-422
  3. Practical Based on opted paper STT-423




Note: Practical exercises will be conducted on computer by using MS-Excel/SPSS/R.


Academic Year: