Probability Distributions

Paper Code: 
STT 123
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course lays the foundation of probability distributions and sampling distributions, their application which forms the basis of Statistical Inference.


Students will be able to


Learning outcomes (at course level

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies


Paper Code

Paper Title


Probability Distributions

CO 11: Identify the behavior of the discrete population and sample and their distribution.


CO 12: Derive the probability distributions function of random variables and use these techniques to generate data from various distributions.


CO 13: Identify the behavior of the continuous population and sample and their distribution.


CO 14: Analyse the behaviour of the data by Fitting the discrete and continuous distributions.


CO 15: Translate real-world sample problems into probability distributions and give an appropriate inference.

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures,

Group Discussion,

Classroom Assignment

Problem Solving Sessions


Learning activities for the students:




Subject based  Activities

Classroom Quiz


Class Test

Individual Presentation




Bernoulli distribution, Binomial distribution (compound and truncated also), Poisson distribution (compound and truncated also)- moments, moment generating function, Cumulant generating function, characteristic functions, recurrence relations, properties, fitting of distributions



Unit –II                                                                                                                    

Geometric distribution, Negative Binomial distribution, Hyper-geometric distributions, Power Series distribution- moments, moment generating function, cummulant generating function, characteristic functions, recurrence relations, properties, fitting of distributions




Rectangular distribution, Normal distribution (truncated also), Exponential distribution, Lognormal distribution, Multinomial of binomial and Poisson- moments, moment generating function, cummulant generating function, characteristic functions, recurrence relations, properties, fitting of distributions




Triangular distribution, Gamma distribution (one and two parameter) , Beta distribution( I kind and II kind)  Cauchy distribution (truncated also), Laplace distributions, Pearson’s distribution (Type I, IV and VI)




Chi-Square, t and F distributions (central and non-central) and their applications. Large sample test. Fisher’s Z distributions and their applications. Order statistics: their distributions and properties; joint and marginal distributions of order statistics, sampling distributions of range and median of univariate population

Essential Readings: 
  • Goon, Gupta & Das Gupta. (2003): Outline of Statistical Theory. Vol. I, World Press.
  • Hogg, R.V. and Craig, A.T.(2009): Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, McMillan.
  • Johnson, S. and Kotz. (1972): Distribution in Statistics, Vol.I, II. And III, Houghton and Muffin.





  • Kendall, M.G. and Stuart. (1996): An Advanced Theory of Statistics, Vol. I,II. Charls Griffin.
  • Mood,A.M., Graybill, F.A. and Boes, D.C.(2007): Introduction to the Theory of Statistics, McGraw Hill, third edition.
  • Mukhopadhyay, P. (1996): Mathematical Statistics, New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd.
  • Rohatgi, V.K. (1984): An Introduction to Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Wiley Eastern, third edition.







  • Sankhya The Indian Journal of Statistics, Indian Statistical Institute
  • Aligarh Journal of Statistics, Department of Statistics and Operations Research, Aligarh Muslim University
  • Afrika Statistika, Saint-Louis Senega University
  • International Journal of Statistics and Reliability Engineering, Indian Association for Reliability and Statistic
  • Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics, Indian Society for Probability and Statistics
  • Journal of the Indian Statistical Association, Indian Statistical Association
  • Statistica, Department of Statistical Sciences Paolo Fortunato, University of Bologna
  • Statistics and Applications, Society of Statistics, Computer and Applications
  • Stochastic Modeling and Applications, MUK Publications and Distributions


Academic Year: