Statistical Quiz “Exposure of Statistics”

The IIS University
Department of Statistics, Session 2016-17
Statistical Quiz “Exposure of Statistics”

Date: 14th July 2016
Venue: Room No. 506
Participants: 22
Beneficiaries: 38

The Orientation programme was organized by the Department of Statistics for the students of Semester I.  The Orientation was compulsory for all the students of Semester I.  Approximately 80% of the students and all faculty members attended the Orientation.
During the orientation program, a quiz entitled as “Exposure of Statistics” was organized for all the students by the Department of Statistics and it was based on the Knowledge of Statistical words.  For this, Students were divided in two teams (Team A and Team B). The Team A was the winner, when the results were analysed.
The Quiz was very informative and.  All the students actively participated and benefited by this.

