Survey Activity “College Canteen”

IIS (deemed to be UNIVERSITY)
Department of Statistics, Session 2018-19
Survey Activity “College Canteen”

Date- 7th March 2019
Venue- IIS (deemed to be UNIVERSITY)
Participants- 11
A survey activity on "Usage of Smartphones among young adults" was done by students of Statistics at IIS (deemed to be UNIVERSITY) between 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
The objective of the study was primarily designed to explore the effects on human behavior and health, awareness of the effects of Smartphone and solutions to mitigate the effect of mobile devices on human health and life. The entire primary research study was conducted in the university campus in order to provide current snapshot of the youth market. The target group constituted of young adults with a random convenience sample of size 50. Data was analyzed using Ms-Excel.
The study on Smartphone usage pattern and their effects on young adults helped to conclude the following points. The usage of smart phones for study purposes is much more as compared to other uses. However, the combined time spent on all activities exceeds the permissible duration per day for many of the respondents. Moreover, many of the surveyed have been found using their smart phones just after waking up, while having meals and during late hours at night. These habits may cause prolonged illnesses/disorders relating to mind and body and might result in suicidal behavior due to stress and anxiety. Lastly, 46% of the respondents admit that they can’t live without their phones for even a day. This shows that the smart phones are increasingly becoming a ‘necessity’ instead of a ‘luxury’ for young adults.


