Probability Distributions

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course lays the foundation of probability distributions and sampling distributions, their application which forms the basis of Statistical Inference.


Course Outcomes: 


Course Outcomes

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title


Probability Distributions


CO 13: Identify the behavior of the discrete population and sample and their distribution and apply it on real world problems.

CO 14: Identify the behavior of the population and apply it on multiple variables problems.

CO 15:  Derive the continuous probability distributions of random variables and use these techniques to differentiate data and fit in real life scenarios.

CO 16: Translate real-world sample problems into probability distributions and give an appropriate inference.

 CO 17: Analyze the behavior of the data and apply the appropriate test.

CO 18: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching: 

Interactive Lectures, 

Group Discussion, 

Classroom Assignment,

Problem Solving Sessions.


Learning activities for the students:




Subject based  Activities.

Classroom Quiz,


Class Test,

Individual Presentation.


Unit I: 
Discrete Distributions-I

Bernoulli distribution, Binomial distribution (compound and truncated also), Poisson distribution (compound and truncated also)- moments, moment generating function, Cumulant generating function, characteristic functions, recurrence relations, properties, fitting of distributions.


Unit II: 
Discrete Distributions-II

Geometric distribution, Negative Binomial distribution, Hyper-geometric distributions, Power Series distribution- moments, moment generating function, cumulant generating function, characteristic functions, recurrence relations, properties, fitting of distributions.


Unit III: 
Continuous Distributions-I

Rectangular distribution, Normal distribution (truncated also), normal probability plot, Exponential distribution, Lognormal distribution, Multinomial of binomial and Poisson- moments, moment generating function, cummulant generating function, characteristic functions, recurrence relations, properties, fitting of distributions.


Unit IV: 
Continuous Distributions-II

Triangular distribution, Gamma distribution (one and two parameter) , Beta distribution( I kind and II kind)  Cauchy distribution (truncated also), Laplace distributions, Pearson’s distribution (Type I, IV and VI).


Unit V: 
Sampling Distributions

Chi-Square, t and F distributions (central and non-central) and their applications. Large sample test. Fisher’s Z distributions and their applications. Order statistics: their distributions and properties; joint and marginal distributions of order statistics, sampling distributions of range and median of univariate population.


Essential Readings: 


·        Goon, Gupta & Das Gupta. (2003): Outline of Statistical Theory. Vol. I, World Press.

·        Hogg, R.V. and Craig, A.T. (2009): Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, McMillan.

·        Johnson, S. and Kotz. (1972): Distribution in Statistics, Vol.I, II. And III, Houghton and Muffin.



·        Kendall, M.G. and Stuart. (1996): An Advanced Theory of Statistics, Vol. I, II. Charls Griffin.

·        Mood,A.M., Graybill, F.A. and Boes, D.C.(2007): Introduction to the Theory of Statistics, McGraw Hill, third edition.

·        Mukhopadhyay, P. (1996): Mathematical Statistics, New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd.

·        Rohatgi, V.K. (1984): An Introduction to Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Wiley Eastern, third edition.








·        Sankhya The Indian Journal of Statistics, Indian Statistical Institute

·        Aligarh Journal of Statistics, Department of Statistics and Operations Research, Aligarh Muslim University

·        Afrika Statistika, Saint-Louis Senega University

·        International Journal of Statistics and Reliability Engineering, Indian Association for Reliability and Statistic

·        Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics, Indian Society for Probability and Statistics

·        Journal of the Indian Statistical Association, Indian Statistical Association

·        Statistica, Department of Statistical Sciences Paolo Fortunato, University of Bologna

·        Statistics and Applications, Society of Statistics, Computer and Applications

·        Stochastic Modeling and Applications, MUK Publications and Distributions


Academic Year: