The students would be exposed to elementary, systematic, stratified and two stage sampling techniques. It would help them in understanding the concepts involved in planning and designing their surveys, presentation of survey data analysis of survey data and presentation of results.
Course |
Learning outcomes (at course level |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies
Paper Code |
Paper Title |
STT-223 |
Sampling Techniques |
CO 37: determine the sample is a simple random sample, a voluntary response sample, a convenience sample, or has other forms of sampling bias.
CO 38: Analyse the data from multi-stage surveys.
CO 39: Able to recognize typical forms of biases such as potential under coverage, non-response and response bias.
CO 40: Identify the type of data and also able to take decision of appropriate sampling scheme.
Approach in teaching:
Interactive Lectures, Group Discussion, Classroom Assignment Problem Solving Sessions
Learning activities for the students:
Assignments Seminar Presentation Subject based Activities
Classroom Quiz Assignments Class Test Individual Presentation |
Concept of population, sampling, sample survey, planning, execution and analyses of small and large sample surveys with illustrative examples. Errors in survey, sources of non-sampling errors, Hanson and Horvitz technique for the study of non response, removal of non sampling errors, Basic principles of sampling, Simple random sampling with and without replacement.
Stratified Sampling, Systematic Sampling, Cluster sampling (with equal and unequal size clusters), two stage sampling with equal and unequal number of second stage units.
Use of Auxiliary Information: Ratio, product and regression methods of estimation, their comparisons among them and with sampling without replacement. Concept of double sampling and its use in ratio, product and regression method of estimation.
Rational behind the use of unequal probability sampling: Probability proportional to size with and without replacement method (including cumulative total method and Lahri’s method), Horvitz Thompson estimator (HTE) of a finite population total/mean and expression for variance of HTE and its unbiased estimator due to Horvitz-Thompson and Yates & Grundy. Sen-Midzuno sampling scheme. Positiveness of Yates and Grundy estimator for n=2 and for any n under Sen- Midzuno sampling scheme.
Desraj’s estimators for general sample size). Rao Hartley Cochran sampling procedure and estimators. Murthy’s (1957) result on existence of ordered estimator. Theory of multi-stage sampling with varying probabilities (with or without replacement) due to Durbin. Narain and Sukhatme sampling schemes.
1. Cocharan,W.G.(1997): Sampling Techniques III ed, John Wiley Pub. New York.
2. Murthy, MN. (1977) Sampling Theory and Methods, 2nd Ed. Statistical Publ. Soc., Calcutta.
3. Singh D., Singh, P. & Kumar P. (1982): Handbook on Sampling Methods, IASRI Publ.
4. Sukhatme, P.V., Sukhatme, B.V., Sukhatme, S. & Asok, C. (1984): Sampling Theory of Surveys with Applications, Iowa State University Press and Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, New Delhi.
5. Chaudhuri, A. and Mukerjee, R.(1988):Randomized Responses .Theory and Techniques, New York : Marcel Dekker Inc.
6. Des Raj and Chandok (1998): Sampling Theory , Norsa Pub. New Delhi.
7. Sampath, S. (2000): Sampling theory and Methods, Narosa Publishing House.
8. Singh,D.and Chaudhary ,F.S.(1986):Theory and Analysis of Sample Survey Designs, New Age International Publishers.
9. Mukhopadhya, P.(1996): Inferencial Problems in Survey Sampling, New Age International.
10. Singh, R. and Mangat, M.S. (1996): Elements of Sample Survey, Springer
11. Singh, Sarjinder (2003): Advanced Sampling Theory with Applications: How Michael 'selected' Amy, Volume 2, Kluwer Academic Publishers